Short term loans can be extremely beneficial for many people, including college and university students. If you need to borrow money right now, you need to first know what your options are. In this article we will cover everything you need to know about short term loans for students so you can make an informed decision. Being in university usually means a serious shortage of money, and sometimes a loan can be of great help. There are lots of situations where you should consider borrowing, but not before getting the facts.
A short-term loan is precisely what you might think – a loan that is given out for a short period of time. You can typically borrow anywhere from £100 to £5,000. Depending on the amount you borrow and the lender, you could have up to a year to pay it back.
There are many different reasons that short term loans for students have become so popular over the years, including:
Before you start looking for a lender who provides small loans and submitting applications, you’ll need to be aware of some of the basic qualification requirements. You will need to be over the age of 18, have a current account, and be a legal UK citizen. These are the most criteria for obtaining any type of loan. Keep in mind that you will be required to submit proof of these things when you fill out your application (more about that below).
If you need to obtain a short term loan, you will first need to find a lender. There are dozens if not hundreds of private lending businesses, so you will need to do some research. Many of these lenders are based entirely online, so it only makes sense to use the Internet.
There are a few key things that you should focus on before choosing a certain lender to borrow from. You will want to find a business that has a good overall reputation. It’s pretty easy to determine what sort of reputation each one has by reading the reviews. You don’t want to borrow from any lender that has a disproportionate number of negative reviews. This information can help you to make the right decision.
When you visit each lender’s website, make sure it is secure. All you have to do is look for the “HTTPS” before the URL in the address bar at the top of your browser. If you are going to submit personal and financial details in an application on their site, you want to know it is secure. This will help you protect your information and avoid issues like identity theft.
Fortunately, applying for a short term loan is a fairly simple and straightforward process. You shouldn’t need to spend more than 10 minutes doing this. Some websites allow you to complete your application in as little as 2 minutes. There will be some standard details you’ll have to give the lender in your application. This includes your full name, phone number, address and email.
Take the time to fill out all of the provided fields in the application without missing anything. You never want to submit any details that you know to be false. This will drastically increase your chances of being denied by the lender. Even a seemingly small or harmless lie can backfire in a big way.
A lot of college students don’t have much of a credit history yet, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get money now. The fact is that there are plenty of lenders out there who are willing to work with you. Many private online-based lenders cater for those without much of a credit history, so you have a pretty good chance at getting approved. If you do have some sort of credit history, you should take a look at your report. This will give you the chance to look for any mistakes that might be on it. You should also know what your credit score is. This is very important information to have when applying for any type of loan.
Make sure that you learn about all of the different fees that come with your loan before finalising it. This information will be included in the loan agreement, which is a legal contract that you enter into with the lender. One of the biggest mistakes that students make when getting a short term loan is not looking at the fine print carefully. You absolutely need to know what the loan contract says before signing.
You can potentially get a short term loan from a private lender the same day that you submit your application. If you need money quickly, make sure you fill out the application early in the day. This will boost your chances of getting approved and receiving your funds the same day. This process is so fast because it is all done online and electronically. If you get approved for one of these loans, the funds will be transferred into your bank. You won’t have to wait to receive a paper check, which is sometimes the case with traditional bank loans.
You will eventually be required to pay back all of the money you borrow from the lender plus interest and any other fees. It is important to know the exact due date so that you don’t get hit with any hefty late fees. These days a lot of private lenders that give out short term loans will automatically take the loan amount from your bank account on the due date. Sometimes this is optional, and it’s ultimately a good thing. It eliminates the possibility of forgetting to pay back your loan or being tempted to delay payment.
It’s also important that you know what will happen if you do not pay your loan back. Even those who are a day or two late with paying back their loan can expect their credit to take a hit. Failing to pay back your loan at all will damage your credit even more.
If you think that you might not be able to pay back the full amount of the loan on time, you need to contact your lender. It is very likely that they will be able to help you out in some way. This could mean giving you an extension on your loan and perhaps even reducing the interest rate. Your lender wants to get paid back, so they will probably try to help you as much as possible.
Short term loans for students have helped a lot of young people across the UK. If you are currently in need of money, this is an option to seriously consider. Whether you are having problems covering your tuition or need to buy a new text book, it can be very helpful. Just make sure that you don’t rush into getting one of these loans, as it could end badly.